Author Archives: Melissa Gracey
If you want to get in shape, you should establish healthy eating habits and a regular exercise schedule. Are you looking to play an instrument? Take lessons and start a routine of practicing regularly. The road to success is paved with positive behaviors and lifestyle choices. Retirement is no different. Following are six habits that […]
According to the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN), financial abuse of Americans aged 60 and older increased during the pandemic with an estimated $27 billion in losses. More startling is that in 72 percent of these crimes, the victim knew the perpetrator, who was either a caregiver, a fiduciary or […]
The once idealized picture-perfect family of two parents and two-and-a-half children has faded as a growing number of married couples choose to live child-free. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the number of married couples without children has doubled over the past 45 years and is expected to continue on an upward trend. Despite the absence […]
Engaging in estate and financial planning without paying attention to taxes can be a fool’s errand. Tax awareness can be tantamount to all aspects of saving, investing and spending. Failure to consider the tax implications of any estate or financial plan component may negatively affect expected returns and result in significant tax liabilities. Tax Terms […]
The death of a spouse can be one of the most devastating events in an individual’s life. Not only must surviving spouses cope with the emotional, mental and physical turmoil of their crushing grief, but they will also face a tsunami of legal and financial decisions, including the responsibility to pay their bills, keep the […]
Thanks to expanded federal estate tax exemptions introduced in 2018, very few families have been subject to federal estate, gift and generation-skipping transfer (GST) tax. However, because the higher exemption is a temporary provision of the tax law and subject to change under the influence of shifting political powers, families must prepare their estate plans […]
When most people think of retirement, they imagine spending their time traveling and pursuing hobbies and activities that bring them joy. Few consider that as life expectancies increase, so too do the risks that individuals will eventually require costly long-term care for assistance with daily living activities. By failing to prepare in advance of this reality, […]
After gathering the documents needed to file annual federal income tax returns, take a moment to review all your financial accounts before filing those papers in a drawer. Most importantly, look at how those accounts are titled and who is named as beneficiaries and consider if that information matches your current life circumstances and new […]
In this episode, the relatable finance guys discuss financial fraud, particularly the Madoff Ponzi scheme, and the regulations in place to protect investors from future fraud. This includes discussion on the SEC, FINRA and steps to take to keep your money safe.
In this episode, the relatable finance guys assess the current strength of the economy, the outlook for the coming year and how these could impact investable asset returns.