Author Archives: Melissa Gracey

In this episode the relatable finance guys explain commodity investing and how it’s been impacted by the global pandemic.

In this episode the relatable finance guys discuss traditional asset allocation and how it’s been impacted by the volatile markets of 2020.

Mitigating investment risk and preparing portfolios and estate plans for an uncertain future requires investors to meet with their financial advisers on a regular basis, and especially mid-year, to ensure that long-term plans remain on track. Here’s a checklist of topics to consider: Are my investments still aligned with my long-term goals? Whether saving for […]

In this episode the relatable finance guys talk to Kris Rato, head of operations at Jackson Hospital, and learn how the institution is dealing with the effects of COVID on our community.

In this episode the relatable finance guys discuss the role of valuations in determining stock prices.

In this episode, the relatable finance guys talk to Ben Sorensen about how the economic crisis is impacting local governments.

According to the Pew Research Institute, first-time marriages are on the decline, while a growing number of unions involve spouses who said “I do” at least once before. When individuals enter into second or third marriages, they are more likely to have children from a prior marriage as well as a retirement nest egg, a […]

In this episode the relatable finance guys explain the different sectors of the stock market and what to consider when making investing decisions.

In this episode the relatable finance guys interview Diana Londono about economic development efforts by The Beacon Council.

In this episode the relatable finance guys explain modern monetary theory and how it applies in these volatile economic times.